Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC in Umm Al Quwain

Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC Verified

Member since 2020

updatelist Update Listing
Last updated: 20 Feb 2024
Umm Al Quwain
Umm Al Quwain, Emirates New Industrial Area, Block No 4
Industrial Area New


Below are the business categories for Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC. Click any category to see all related companies under it.


Adhesives Manufacturing

Chemical Products

Industrial Adhesives

Printing Equipment & Material Suppliers

Tile Glue

UPVC Adhesives


List of keywords for Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC is listed below. Click any keyword to see all related companies under it.
Adhesive Suppliers in UAE Adhesive for Paper Industry Adhesives Hot Melt Adhesives Lamination Adhesives Packaging Adhesives Veneer Wood Suppliers in Dubai Water Based Adhesives Wood Working Adhesives


Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC is manufacturing and trading in a wide range of adhesives, Chemicals, machinery items and other products. The company has set up a full fledged manufacturing facility on a 22,000 Sq. feet plant with state of the art machines and equipment for the manufacture of different kinds of adhesives and chemicals. The facility includes a well equipped Laboratory.

The plant is equipped to manufacture 7200 tons of various adhesives & coolant per annum.

The Management

The company is part of a group of companies with annual turnover of 10 million dollars, having interests in chemicals, raw materials for the paint, adhesive, construction and other industries. The group has its customer base in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Bahrain, Qatar, other Middle East countries, Africa and India.

Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC is promoted by a team of technocrats well versed in the chemical business having more than 35 years of experience in the Gulf. The Managing Director of the company has 35 plus years experience to his credit, with 25 years in the Middle East. We have a qualified team of professionals manning production, Quality Control, Product development and logistics.

Our Culture

We believe that we grow along with our Clients and Employees together. Hence, we always appreciate and strive for longer relationships with our clients. The roots of the organization are set on the principle of ethics, honesty and hardwork.

Al Mehraj Industries Company LLC team, has always given priority to Safety, Environment, Quality and Consistency. The Management has always emphasized, implemented and practiced the same. This is the setting stone for our stable and mutual beneficial relations with our clients and customers.

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Industrial Area New Umm Al Quwain