NOKAAF Auditors in Dubai

NOKAAF Auditors
updatelist Update Listing
Last updated: 13 Jun 2023
Office 1129, Tamani Arts Office Towers, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE
Business Bay


Below are the business categories for NOKAAF Auditors. Click any category to see all related companies under it.

Accountants & Auditors

Accounting and Bookkeeping

Auditing of Accounts

Management Consultancies

Tax Consultants


List of keywords for NOKAAF Auditors is listed below. Click any keyword to see all related companies under it.
Business Plan CFO Services Feasibility Study VAT Return Filing


NOKAAF Auditors is a member firm of DAXIN Global, which is the 16th largest network of audit, tax and advisory service providers, with independently owned and managed professional firms. With a global reach and local perspective.
As per March 2022 ranking of IAB (International Accounting Bulletin),
Revenue: $500 million
Staff approximately 5,000 employees
Ranked as
16th largest consulting firm the world
18th largest auditing business network
23rd largest accounting network organization
With the extended global reach though Daxin Global, NOKAAF Auditors is able to provide services to our clients both locally and internationally with relevant and suitable advice.
Additionally, the value preposition for clients is exponentially increased through the strong consultative and collaborative network. The best practices and experiences drawn from a wide variety of engagements observed across the network and apply them to our individual engagements, ensuring the best value for our clients. NOKAAF aspires becoming the market leader in the MENA region by providing all value-added services for "Businesses" to innovate and create a business model that enriches complete compliance, maximum profitability, and sustainability.

The Firm offers the best connectivity through an integrated global network of member firms.

The Managing partner of NOKAAF Auditors is duly licensed by the Ministry of Economy and registered in the Register of Auditors to practice as Auditors in the UAE.
NOKAAF Auditors strives to provide best professional services the following areas:

a. Auditing of accounts
i. DMCC Approved Audit
ii. Free Zone Audit
iii. Bank approved audit firm

b. Accounting & Bookkeeping
i. Monthly bookkeeping services
ii. Remote accounting services
iii. CFO Services
iv. Outsourced bookkeeping services

c. Management Consultancies
i. Feasibility study
ii. Business plan
iii. Business valuation report

d. Tax Consultant
i. VAT Registration
ii. VAT Return filing
iii. Excise Tax Registration and Return filling
iv. VAT Fine & FTA Reconsideration services

NOKAAF Auditors and its affiliates takes pride in its growing client list including companies from various parts of the world, from a diverse range of industry sectors and sizes, from family businesses to owner managed organizations to large corporate and public sector organizations and even not for profit organizations. This has been achieved by the high quality of work, and the Firm's values and commitment to deliver the best personalized service to every client.

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Business Bay Dubai