Agricultural Laboratory
The world cannot sustain itself without food. It is necessary to take care of agriculture as closely as possible therefore. Simply buying the seeds and other products required for growing food and maintaining the livestock is not enough. The products as well as the soil and water needs to be analyzed properly so that production remains at an optimum that serve mankind effectively without taking a toll on the health of the consumers.
The responsibility of an agricultural laboratory is huge therefore. It is not limited to testing the food products though. On the contrary, almost everything right from the farm produces and fruits plus the products from vineyards and poultry sources are inspected exhaustively so that its quality remains the best. Yes! Every developed country makes use of such laboratories to better their produces and the Middle East is not left behind in this endeavor either. Special mention needs to be made of the, Plant Health Laboratory’ situated at Sharjah. The scientists working there have been making inroads into the area of eradicating plant diseases by identifying and eradicating the causes right at its root.
The test results obtained at different labs are sent to the farmers and growers at the earliest and they are apprised of the situation. Effective solutions are also shared with the ones who are engaged in agriculture so that the quality of food is maintained as per the international standards. However, not every agricultural laboratory offers every test. The facilities are as diverse as the needs.
The testing centers are within easy reach of every farm and land owner as well with neither public nor private companies denied an opportunity to improve their produces and products in the long run. Soil testing happens to be the major focus in most areas though with the chemical components tested conclusively and the list of nutrients found within the soil drawn up to be shared with the producer. Having the results handy is a surefire way of ensuring productivity by addressing the need for fertilizing the soil without harming the environment in any manner.
There are numerous fertilizer dealers and manufacturers who are interested in sending their products for testing at the nearest agricultural laboratory too. Extensive testing helps them to assess the quality and motivate them to try and improve the fertilizers by adhering to the standards thereby helping them to profit eventually. Water is the most essential component to be utilized by farms and manufacturing units. Testing the quality of water that is used extensively for a number of different purposes can help to make a huge difference to the quality of food products and grains that enter the market. Taking steps to minimize the microbial concentration of the water is indeed a beginning to solve the quality issue pertaining to all agricultural produces thus improving human life substantially.
Using chemical fertilizers may result in bigger sized veggies and fruits but the quality of the soil is destroyed for good. The best way forward is to opt for the age old tradition of using manures and compost therefore. It would be best for the farmers and gardeners to check the usability of the conventional sources for keeping the soil nourished and the production high by requesting the lab to test it in order to maintain food safety.The most basic technique for measuring soil fertility is to mix a soil sample with water and chemically extract the N, P, and K as nitrate, phosphate, and potassium. The amount of N, P, and K in the sample is determined by comparing the reaction to a color chart. People commonly conduct soil fertility testing in commercial labs that offer a variety of assays aimed at specific chemical and mineral groups.
Computers help monitor expenses associated with manufacturing, transportation, and agricultural operations and estimate and calculate profit and loss.
Software exists to assist in the forecasting of weather conditions and the assessment of agricultural productivity. Farmers may use this technology to discover and regulate solutions to survive under drought circumstances.
The growth of plant cells, organs, or tissues on a specially prepared nutritional medium is known as tissue culture (TC). It is the development of tissues or cells outside of the original organism in artificial media. This technique can regenerate a whole plant from an individual cell under the appropriate conditions. Plant tissue culture is a method that people have been using for over 30 years.
The agricultural extension uses farmer education to apply scientific research and new information to agricultural operations.
Agricultural advisory services are often known as extensions. Extension, in practice, is teaching farmers agronomic methods and skills to enhance their production, food security, and wellbeing.
Agriculture processing is a collection of technological and economical operations used to maintain and handle agricultural output for feed, food, fiber, energy, or raw material for industrial use.
The agriculture processing industry is a branch of manufacturing that processes raw materials of agriculture and intermediate goods. Agri or agriculture processing, therefore, refers to the transformation of agricultural goods.
A job as an agricultural engineer requires time spent at a range of outdoor and indoor workplaces. Agricultural engineers' working circumstances depend on the type of work they perform. Some of their responsibilities may require them to work in labs, offices, or even fields. Agricultural engineers work for commercial consulting businesses, agricultural irrigation machinery manufacturers and retailers, commercial farms, and public bodies.